How does the booking process work?
All reservation are booked online. You first create a free account on our website, and agree to our policies. At that time, you can book Pay As You Go reservations, or you can purchase a membership plan and book reservations with your plan. After you book a reservation, we will send you a PIN that unlocks our doors.
What our your business hours?​
We are always open, 24 hours a days, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
How many simulators are there in your facility?
There are 2 simulator bays available inside our facility.
Do I need a membership to use the golf simulator?
No. You just need to create an account on our website in order to book a Pay As You Go reservation without a membership.
Can I just use the golf simulator one time, without a membership?
Yes, you can. You must still create a free account on our website. Once you do that, you can book Pay As You Go reservations without a membership.
How long does a round of virtual golf take?
It takes one person approximately 1 hour to complete an 18-hole round. We suggest groups reserve 1 hour per person in their group.
If I have a membership, can I bring guests with me?
Yes, members are allowed to bring up to 3 guests with them. As mentioned above, an 18-hole round of virtual golf takes approximately 1 hour, per person. We recommend you reserve 1 hour for each person in your group (3 people = 3 hour reservation.)
Can I book back-to-back reservations in advance with my membership's free or discounted price?
No. You can only book a second reservation if it is Pay As You Go (full price).
Can I book multiple Pay as You Go reservations reservations in a day?
Yes you can, as long as you don't exceed the daily limit of 4 hours per day per customer or group.
Can I book two reservations in a day with my membership?
No. You can add time to an existing reservation if there is an opening in the booking calendar. If there is time available, you can add more time to your current reservation before it is over. You can easily do this by going on our website and booking "+30 minutes" or "+60 minutes" reservations. In any case, customers and their guests still can not book more than 4 hours per day.
Is there a time limit per day?
There is a 4 hour time limit per day for any/all people and groups. If your group wants to use the simulator for more than 4 hours, you can rent the entire facility for up to 8 hours for gatherings and events. Contact Brady to discuss your options. Email: Call/Text: 218-325-1420
Are there food and beverages on site?
Currently there are not food or beverages on site. You can go to the convenience store next door to purchase these items, or you can bring them from home. You can also have food delivered to the simulator. All we ask is, please keep all food and drinks off of the turf.
How will I know how to use the golf simulator?​
Since there are no employees on site to assist members we have automated the learning process. When you sign up for a membership you will be asked to watch a short instructional video showing you how to operate everything in the facility. Click here to view the video. There will also be instruction manuals at the facility to help troubleshoot issues that may arise. For all other questions, you can always fill out the contact form on our website.
If the doors are locked, how do I get in to the facility to golf?
Upon completion of the instructional video and membership agreement, you will be emailed a code that will get you into the facility. This code is yours only. Please do not share it with anyone. Members caught sharing their code will be banned from the facility, and will receive no refund.